autonomous delivery vehicle

vayu is an advanced autonomous delivery vehicle engineered with exceptional capabilities. designed to effortlessly transport groceries and household supplies from store to door, vayu goes beyond simple delivery. guided by gps and an advanced camera system, vayu navigates bike lanes with agility, expertly avoiding obstacles to ensure safe and accurate delivery to the correct address. upon arrival, it can unload packages individually or in groups, placing them in a designated spot.

the vayu's cargo bay is optimized to hold up to six packages, accommodating groceries, beverages, and other household essentials. an automated linkage system smoothly lifts the packages from the bay, carefully placing them on the ground, while adjusting to varying curb heights to guarantee that your goods arrive intact.

the vehicle’s streamlined form conveys both stability and agility. the front and rear surfaces are seamlessly connected by a crisply defined beltline that flows over integrated wheel wells. this design not only enhances mobility but also ensures ease of cleaning and maintenance. three proprietary camera modules are elegantly integrated into wing-like structures at the front and rear, while led light grids provide night-time visibility and signaling capabilities, indicating stops, turns, and hazards. an integrated tablet offers intuitive control over the door and unloading mechanisms, as well as real-time monitoring of delivery parameters.

bould design took vayu from a minimally functional breadboard device to a fully integrated, operational prototype with a clear path to mass production. collaborating closely with the electromechanical engineer, we meticulously incorporated all necessary functions and features, ensuring vayu delivers your groceries efficiently, safely, and autonomously right to your doorstep. 

product launched:


industrial design




silvertree reach